Data Book

2.01 Date

Date expressions vary from country to country.

There are those main differences:
a. Format difference
b. Whether using era system or not
c. Month and day of week in local language

2.01.1 Format (DATE)

There are two elements for Date Format, one is sequence of data and another is data separator.

Data Sequence: There are 3 kinds of date formats:

Type-1 : ddmmyy (Day, Month, Year)
Type-2 : yymmdd (Year, Month, Day)
Type-3 : mmddyy (Month, Day, Year)

* Type-2C; (Era name if needed) yy mm dd This is special (Chinese) version of the Type-2.

. (5E74), (6708), (65E5)

rem-1: Type-2C data sequence is also "data separator in local character"

Data Separator: There are 4 kinds of data separator:

Type-1: Space as data separator (ex. yy mm dd)
Type-2: Dash as data separator (ex. yy-mm-dd)
Type-3: Slidus as data separator (ex. yy/mm/dd)
Type-4: Period as data separator (ex. yy. mm. dd)

China CNA 2, 2C 1, 2, 3, 4 note-4
Hong Kong HKG 1, 2, 2C, 3 2, 3, 4
India IND 1, 2 1, 2, 3
Indonesia INA 1 1, 2, 3
Japan JPN 2, 2C 1, 2, 3, 4 note-1
Korea KOR 2, 2C 3. 4
MalaysiaMAS1 2, 3 note-2
Philippines PHI1, 2, 32, 3
Singapore SIN 1, 2, 2C, 3 3
Thailand THI 1 3 note-3

note-1: JIS X 0301 specifies Type 1 (yy mm dd) and Type-2 (yy-mm-dd), and Type-4 ( for Japanese Era system (n = M, T, S or H most of the cases). However, in practice, all formats are being used in mixed way including yy/mm/dd, nyy/mm/dd and nyy mm dd format.
note-2: Also, ddhb.(period) Month name,(Comma) yyyy dd (Space) haribulan month,(Comma) yyyy yyyy. (period) Jawi month name (Space) dd formats are in use
note-3: Year is in Buddhist Era (B.E.) day of week date month name Buddhist Era

note-4: GB/T 7408-94 specifies Type 1 (yy mm dd) and Type 2 (yy-mm-dd) in AD system. However, in practice, above separators are all used
rem-2: Related standards: ISO 3307,ISO 8601, GB/T 7408, IS 7900, IS 10934, JIS X 301, KS A 5401,KS C 5610, PNS 293, TIS 1111

2.01.2 Era system (DATE)

Some countries are using Era system as well as (or instead of) the popular AD system.

The era system are:

Type -M: (mandatory) for formal expression, or
Type -P: (strong preference), or
Type -O (optional), or k
Type -R: (rare use).

China CNA n/a
Hong Kong HKG n/a
India IND Saka calendar S note-1
Indonesia INA SM P note-2
Japan JPN Emperor year P note-3
Korea KOR Dangun Era R Dangun Era = AD + 2333 note-4
Malaysia MAS n/a
Philippines PHI n/a
Singapore SIN n/a
Thailand THI Buddhist Era (B.E.) P B.E. = AD + 543 note-5

note-1: Saka calendar is used in India for civil purpose as well as Gregorian calendar.
Year 1954-55 A.D. corresponds 1876 Saka, 1954 A.D. corresponds 1875-76 Saka
Year starts from the day following the vernal equinox day.
After adding 78 to the Saka Era, if the sum is divisible by 4. then it is a leap year
(Saka calendar is not very popular as compared to Western calendar)
note-2: Use SM (Sebelum Masehi) in place of BC. SM is same calendar as BC, but different in name
note-3: Japanese Era: Japanese Era name changes from Emperor to Emperor. Heisei is current Era, and Showa, Taisho and Meiji had been used for the past 100 years.
Era name changes at the first day of Emperor, therefore, the ending year of one Era is the starting year of following Era (In sense of AD, one year has two Era names). Those two years are not full year,
for example, year of Showa 64 is only 6 days a year (and year of Heisei 1 for the rest).

note-4: Korean EraDangun (35B3, 3477)
note-5: Buddhist Era B.E. (0E1E, 002E, 0E28, 002E)

2.01.3 Name of month (in local language) (DATE) Full name in local expression (name of month)

China CNA Hong Kong HNG
January (4E00, 6708) (4E00, 6708)
February (4E8C, 6708) (4E8C, 6708)
March (4E09, 6708) (4E09, 6708)
April (56DB, 6708) (56DB, 6708)
May (4E94, 6708) (4E94, 6708)
June (516D, 6708) (516D, 6708)
July (4E03, 6708) (4E03, 6708)
August (516B, 6708) (516B, 6708)
September (4E5D, 6708) (4E5D, 6708)
October (5341, 6708) (5341, 6708)
November (5341, 4E00, 6708) (5341, 4E00, 6708)
December (5341, 4E8C, 6708) (5341, 4E8C, 6708)

India IND (Western Calendar)
January (091C, 0928, 0935, 0930, 0940)
February (092B, 0930, 0935, 094D, 091A)
March (092E, 093E, 0930, 0948, 0932)
April (0905, 092A, 094D, 0930, 0948, 0932)
May (092E, 0908)
June (091C, 0942, 0928)
July (091C, 0941, 0932, 093E, 0908)
August (0905, 0917, 0938, 094D, 0924)
September (0938, 093F, 0924, 092E, 094D, 092C, 0930)
October (0905, 0915, 094D, 091F, 0941, 092C, 0930)
November (0928, 0935, 092E, 094D, 092C, 0930)
December (0926, 093F, 0938, 092E, 094D, 092C, 0930)

India IND (Saka Calendar)
January (092E, 093E, 0918)
February (092B, 093E, 0932, 094D, 0917, 0941, 0928)
March (091A, 0948, 0924, 094D, 0917, 0941)
April (092C, 0948, 0936, 093E, 0916)
May (091C, 0947, 092F, 0937, 094D, 0920)
June (0906, 0937, 093E, 095D)
July (0936, 094D, 0930, 093E, 0935, 0923)
August (092D, 093E, 0926, 094D, 0930)
September (0905, 0936, 0935, 093F, 0928)
October (0915, 093E, 0930, 094D, 0924, 093F, 0915)
November (0905, 0917, 094D, 0930, 0939, 0928)
December (091A, 094C, 0937)
Rem-1: Saka calendar System

in Western calendar
1st month CHAITRA 30 (31 days in a leap year) MAR 22 common year
MAR 21 leap year
2nd month VAISAKHA 31 APR 21
Last month PHALGUNA 30 FEB 20

Indonesia INAJapan JPNKorea KOR
Same as CNA or Same as Japan (or in Hangul)
January Januari 1 (6708) 1 (wol 39DA)
February Februari 2 (6708) 2 (wol 39DA)
March Maret 3 (6708) 3 (wol 39DA)
April April 4 (6708) 4 (wol 39DA)
May Mei 5 (6708) 5 (wol 39DA)
June Juni 6 (6708) 6 (wol 39DA)
July Juli 7 (6708) 7 (wol 39DA)
August Agustus 8 (6708) 8 (wol 39DA)
September September 9 (6708) 9 (wol 39DA)
October Oktober 10 (6708) 10 (wol 39DA)
November November 11 (6708) 11 (wol 39DA)
December Desember 12 (6708) 12 (wol 39DA)

Malaysia MAS
Malay Jawi
January Januari( )
February Februari( )
March Mac( )
April April( )
May Mei ( )
June Jun( )
July Julai( )
August Ogos( )
September September ( )
October Oktober( )
November November ( )
December Disember ( )

Philippines PHI Singapore SIN
In English or
January Enero January
February Pebrero February
March Marso March
April Abril April
May Mayo May
June Hunyo June
July Hulyo July
August Agosto August
September Septembre September
October Oktubre October
Novembe Nobyembre November
December Disyembre December

Thailand THI
January(0E21, 0E01, 0E23, 0E32, 0E04, 0E21)
February(0E01, 0E38, 0E21, 0E20, 0E32, 0E1E, 0E31, 0E19, 0E18, 0E4C)
March(0E21, 0E35, 0E19, 0E32, 0E04, 0E21)
April(0E40, 0E21, 0E29, 0E32, 0E22, 0E19)
May(0E1E, 0E24, 0E29, 0E20, 0E32, 0E04, 0E21)
June(0E21, 0E34, 0E16, 0E38, 0E19, 0E32, 0W22, 0E19)
July (0E01,0E23, 0E01, 0EDE, 0E32, 0E04, 0E21)
August(0E2A, 0E34, 0E07, 0E2B, 0E32, 0ED4, 0E21)
September(0E01, 0E31, 0E19, 0E22, 0E32, 0E22, 0E19)
October (0E15, 0E38, 0E25, 0E32, 0E04, 0E21)
November(0E1E, 0E24, 0E28, 0E08, 0E34, 0E01, 0E32, 0E22, 0E19)
December(0E18, 0E31, 0E19, 0E27, 0E32, 0E04, 0E21) Short name in local expression (name of month)

January JANJan
February FEB Feb
March MAR Mar
April APR Apr
May MAY n/a n/a n/a Mei n/a n/a
June JUN Jun
July JUL Jul
August AUG Ag
September SEP Sep
October OCT Okt
November NOV Nov
December DEC Des

January Jan Jan Jan (0E21, 002E, 0E04, 002E)
February Feb Feb Feb(0E01, 002E, 0E1E, 002E)
March Mac Mar Mar (0E21, 0E35, 002E, 0E04, 002E)
April Apr Apr Apr (0E40, 0E21, 002E, 0E22, 002E)
May Mein/a May May (0E1E, 002E, 0E04, 002E)
June Jun Jun Jun (0E21, 0E34, 002E, 0E22, 002E)
July Jul Jul Jul (0E01, 002E, 0E04, 002E)
August Ogos Aug Aug (0E2A, 002E, 0E04, 002E)
September Sep Sep Sep (0E01, 002E, 0E22, 002E)
October Okt Oct Oct (0E15, 002E, 0E04, 002E)
November Nov NovNov (0E1E, 002E, 0E22, 002E)
December Dis Dec Dec (0E18, 002E, 0E04, 002E)

2.01.4 Name of day of week in local language (DATE) Full local expression (day of week)

China CNAHong Kong HKG

Sunday (661F, 671F, 65E5) (661F, 671F, 65E5)
Monday(661F, 671F, 4E00) (661F, 671F, 4E00)
Tuesday(661F, 671F, 4E8C) (661F, 671F, 4E8C)
Wednesday(661F, 671F, 4E09) (661F, 671F, 4E09)
Thursday(661F, 671F, 56DB) (661F, 671F, 56DB)
Friday(661F, 671F, 4E94) (661F, 671F, 4E94)
Saturday(661F, 671F, 516D) (661F, 671F, 516D)

India IND
Sunday (0930, 0935, 093F, 0935, 093E, 0930)
Monday (0938, 094B, 092E, 0935, 093E, 0930)
Tuesday (092E, 0902, 0917, 0932, 0935, 093E, 0930)
Wednesday (092C, 0941, 0927, 0935, 093E, 0930)
Thursday (092C, 0943, 0939, 0938,094D, 092A, 0924, 093F, 0935, 093E, 0930)
Friday (0936, 0941, 0915, 094D, 0930, 0935, 093E, 0930)
Saturday (0936, 0928, 093F, 0935, 093E, 0930)

Indonesia INA Japan JPN
Sunday Minggu (65E5, 66DC, 65E5)
Monday Senin (6708, 66DC, 65E5)
Tuesday Selasa (7068, 66DC, 65E5)
Wednesday Rabu (6C34, 66DC, 65E5)
Thursday Kamis (6728, 66DC, 65E5)
Friday Jum'at (91D1, 66DC, 65E5)
Saturday Sabtu (571F, 66DC, 65E5)

Korea KOR (two kinds)
Sunday(65E5, 66DC, 65E5) (ilyoil 3A0E. 39C5, 3A0E)
Monday(6708, 66DC, 65E5) (wolyoil 39DA. 39C5, 3A0E)
Tuesday(7068, 66DC, 65E5) (hwayoil 3CDC. 39C5, 3A0E)
Wednesday (6C34, 66DC, 65E5) (suyoil 38BD. 39C5, 3A0E)
Thursday (6728, 66DC, 65E5) (mogyoil 3740. 39C5, 3A0E)
Friday (91D1, 66DC, 65E5) (kumyoil 349A. 39C5, 3A0E)
Saturday (571F, 66DC, 65E5) (toyoil 3BF9. 39C5, 3A0E)

Malaysia MAS
Sunday Ahad ()
Monday Isnin()
Tuesda Selasa ()
Wednesday Rahu ()
Thursday Khamis()
Friday Jumaat ()
Saturday Sabtu ()

Philippines PHI
In English or Local
Singapore SIN
Sunday Linggo Sunday
Monday Lunes Monday
Tuesday Martes Tuesday
Wednesday Miyerkoles Wednesday
Thursday Huwebes Thursday
Friday Biyernes Friday
Saturday Sabado Saturday

Thailand THI
Sunday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E2D, 0E32, 0E17, 0E34, 0E15, 0E22, 0E4C)
Monday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E08, 0E31, 0E19, 0E17, 0E23, 0E4C)
Tuesday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E2D, 0E31, 0E07, 0E04, 0E32, 0E23)
Wednesday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E1E, 0E38, 0E18)
Thursday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E1E, 0E24, 0E2B, 0E31, 0E2A, 0E1A, 0E14, 0E35)
Friday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E28, 0E38, 0E01, 0E23, 0E4C)
Saturday (0E27, 0E31, 0E19, 0E40, 0E2A, 0E32, 0E23, 0E4C)

rem-1: ISO 8601 defines day of week numbering Short form local expression (day of week)

SundaySUN(5468, 65E5) (5468, 65E5) Sun
Monday MON(5468, 4E00) (5468, 4E00) Mon
Tuesday TUE(5468, 4E8C)(5468, 4E8C) Tue
Wednesday WED (5468, 4E09)(5468, 4E09) Wedn/a
Thursday THU(5468, 56DB) (5468, 56DB) Thu
Friday FRI (5468, 4E94)(5468, 4E94) Fri
Saturday SAT (5468, 516D)(5468, 516D) Sat

Sunday (65E5) (3A02)(65E5)
Monday (6708) (39DA) (6708)
Tuesday (7068) (3CDC) (7068)
Wednesday n/a (6C34) (38BD) (6C34)
Thursday (6728) (3740) (6728)
Friday (91D1) (349A) (91D1)
Saturday (571F) (3BF9) (571F)

Sunday Aha Sun Sun (0E2D, 0E32, 002E)
Monday Isn Mon Mon (0E08, 002E)
Tuesday Sei Tue Tue (0E2D, 002E)
Wednesday Rab Wed Wed (0E1E, 002E)
Thursday Kha Thu Thu (0E1E, 0E24, 002E)
Friday Jum Fri Fri (0E28, 002E)
Saturday Sab Sat Sat (0E2A, 002E) Format (day of week)

The location of day of week when writing date is culturally dependent. In some cultures, the written format is different from the spoken one.

Type-1: Before the date
Type-2: After the date
Type-A: Sunday is the first day of a week
Type-B: Monday is the first day of a week

In Local character In phonetic First day
(writing) (speaking)
China CNA 2 2 B
Hong Kong HKG 2 2 A
India IND 2 2 B
Indonesia INA 1 1 A
Japan JPN 2 1,2 A, B
Korea KOR 2 2 A
Malaysia MAS 1 1 B
Philippines PHI 2 2 A
Singapore SIN 1 1 B
Thailand THI 1 1 A, B

2.01.5 Week numbering (DATE)

There are three different ways of numbering the weeks

Type-1: Week 1 is the week including January 1st.
Type-2: Week 1 is the week starting first Sunday of the year
Type-3: Other than 1 and 2 (if any, specify)

No official week numbering is used

ChinaCNA1,2 note-2
Hong Kong HKG 2
India IND n/a No official week numbering is used
Indonesia INA n/a No official week numbering is used
Japan JPN 1,2 No official week numbering, it is organization dependent note-1
Korea KOR n/a No official week numbering is used note-1
Malaysia MAS n/a
Philippines PHI n/a No official week numbering is used
Singapore SIN n/a No official week numbering is used
Thailand THI n/a No official week numbering is used note-1

note-1: There is a week numbering within a month, 1st week is a week including 1st day of the month
note-2: GB/T 7408 specifies the first calendar week of the year is the one that includes the first Thursday of the year. In the Gregorian calendar, this is equivalent to the week which includes 4 January.
rem-1: related standard; KS A 5402

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