How are you all doing?

In Japan, the “scorching hot summer” has come to an end and we have
suddenly entered “winter”. Normally, the wonderful season of
"autumn" comes between "summer" and "winter", but perhaps due to the
influence of global warming, this year we skipped "autumn" and
went straight into "winter" unfortunately…

BTW, changing the subject, in this essay I would like to share the
aftermath of the “series of robberies” that I introduced with
Tokyo Dayori issued in February 2023.
All the members who were directing the robberies and were hiding in
Manila at that time were arrested.
With this, it seemed that the situation had calmed down for the time
being, but recently, there have been many robberies again.
As the case has come to light, it becomes clear that there are
differences from the previous case two years ago.
That is the emergence of a new IT tool.
Last time, "Telegram" was used, but this time, in addition to this, a
new chat app called "Signal" has begun to be used.

Like "Telegram", it is characterized by advanced encryption processing
and strong confidentiality performance that leaves no
communication history, and is used as a convenient tool by robbery

"Signal" itself is a great tool, if it is properly used, but I wonder if
it would be possible to add a function that would forcibly
stop its use when it is abused.
It would be great if AI could find the answer…
How do you think?

Hirofumi KIKUCHI

<Topics of Government>

(1)6th ASEAN-Japan Smart Cities Network High Level Meeting Held

(2)Results of the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Technology and Digital

<Topics of Industries>

(1)NEC receives order for next-generation supercomputer system from
Japan's National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology and
National Institute for Fusion Science

(2)NEC participates in COP29 climate change conference

(3)NEC Security Provides Cybersecurity Capacity Building Exercises for
Pacific Island Countries

(4)NEC and MARUKI SANGYO demonstrate efficient recycled plastic
production using materials informatics

(5)Established the Open Source Program Office (OSPO) to Globally Lead
the Strategic Utilization of OSS

(6)Hitachi Digital Services Launches Framework to Build, Scale
and Operate Trustworthy AI

(7)Fujitsu develops Policy Twin, a new digital twin technology to
maximize effectiveness of local government policies for solving societal issues

(8)Supercomputer Fugaku retains first place worldwide in HPCG and Graph500 rankings