19th Waseda-IAC World Digital Government Ranking 2024New!!
The Institute of Digital Government at Waseda University in Japan, in cooperation with theInternational Academy of CIO (IAC) has released the 19th Waseda World Digital Government RankingsSurvey 2024, which marks digital transformation in advanced digital 66 countries/economies. This report represents the 19th consecutive year of monitoring and surveying worldwide digitalgovernment development with 10 Indicators. It provides various information and data on both DigitalInnovation and Digital Economy as well. In detail, click here (https://idg-waseda.jp/pdf/2024_Digital_Government_Ranking_Report.pdf)
Office closure due to winter vacation (28th Dec.2024~5th Jan.2025)
Please be advised that our office will be closed from 28th December 2024 to5th January 2025 for the New Year holidays.
How are you all doing? In Japan, the “scorching hot summer” has come to an end and we havesuddenly entered “winter”. Normally, the wonderful season of"autumn" comes between "summer" and "winter", but perhaps due to theinfluence of global warming, this year we skipped "autumn" andwent straight into "winter" unfortunately… BTW, changing the subject, in this essay I would like to share theaftermath of the “series of robberies” that I introduced withTokyo Dayori issued in February 2023.All the members who were directing the robberies and were hiding inManila at that time were arrested.With this, it seemed that the situation had calmed down for the timebeing, but recently, there have been many robberies […]
The LDP held its presidential election on September 27 and a newpresident was elected from among nine candidates. Of the unusually largefield of candidates, the youngest, who was considered a major contender,faltered. Various media have analyzed his failure to win the presidency,and one of the reasons has been pointed out to be his attempt to rapidlypromote the separate surname system for married couples.[1]I am neither for nor against this system. In my case, my fortune wouldbe better if I changed my family name, so I gladly changed it when I gotmarried. If people feel inconvenienced, they should not change theirlast name. What is so wrong with that? I asked my […]
"Improvement of Market Information Stimulates Attraction of Businessfrom Abroad" In order to promote new business, companies in developed countries, not limited to Japan,create a business plan and decide on the allocation of investment and human resourcesafter the settlement of a board meeting.As a necessary part of business plan preparation, "Return on Investment" (RoI) isalways an important criterion.ROI is an indicator that shows how much profit the invested money has generated.The higher the ROI number, the more cost-effective and valuable the investment.Measuring ROI is important because it quantifies how an investment has paidoff in terms of business profits and allows for an accurate determinationof its effectiveness. However, I have rarely seen […]
Office closure due to summer break
Please be advised that our office will be closed for summer breakfrom 10th August to 18th August, 2024.We will resume work on 19th August.
April to May are months of good weather, and we get outside and becomemore active in Japan. Bears also come out of hibernation and move aroundactively in search of food.In recent years, there have been many reports of bear attacks in variousregions from Hokkaido to western Japan. In FY2023, a record 219 peoplewere affected, with Akita Prefecture having the highest number ofaffected people at 70. In Akita Pref., last month, two police officers,who were trying to transport a man who had entered the mountains to pickbamboo shoots and died after being attacked by a bear, were alsoattacked by a bear and seriously injured.Originally bears were afraid of humans and lived […]
Office closure due to the “Golden Week” holidays in Japan
Please be noted that our office will be closed from the 27th of April to the 6th of May 2024for the "Golden Week" holidays in Japan.We are sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused to you.
In daily life in Japan, identity verification is required in varioussituations such as payment, point allocation, member confirmation,check-in, entrance and exit, etc.I also use the service using an IC card, smartphone, etc., but everytime I use it, I have to go through the trouble of searching for the app.It's such a waste of time and a pain for me. There is also the risk oflosing my card or smartphone if I carry it around. I believe there isa growing desire to use services more safely and easily. It also takesa lot of work on the part of the store to check.Meanwhile, Hitachi Ltd., one of Japan's leading electronics manufacturers,is proposing […]
There is an athlete who involved Japan into a vortex of enthusiasm last year.His name is Shohei Ohtani, who led the national baseball team of Japanto the victory by beating the world's strongest team “USA” at the finalmatch of the “World Baseball Classic (WBC)”, held March last year where20 national teams had participated from their own countries.He is a real top MLB (Major League Baseball) player in the USA who wonthe MVP award twice and very much famous as the real two-way player inpitching and hitting, and he captivated even people, who had no interestin baseball until the WBC.Since the WBC, Shohei has been featured in the Japanese media almostevery […]