Office closure due to summer break

Please be advised that our office will be closed for summer breakfrom 10th August to 18th August, 2024.We will resume work on 19th August.

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April to May are months of good weather, and we get outside and becomemore active in Japan. Bears also come out of hibernation and move aroundactively in search of food.In recent years, there have been many reports of bear attacks in variousregions from Hokkaido to western Japan. In FY2023, a record 219 peoplewere affected, with Akita Prefecture having the highest number ofaffected people at 70. In Akita Pref., last month, two police officers,who were trying to transport a man who had entered the mountains to pickbamboo shoots and died after being attacked by a bear, were alsoattacked by a bear and seriously injured.Originally bears were afraid of humans and lived […]

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Office closure due to the “Golden Week” holidays in Japan

Please be noted that our office will be closed from the 27th of April to the 6th of May 2024for the "Golden Week" holidays in Japan.We are sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused to you.

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In daily life in Japan, identity verification is required in varioussituations such as payment, point allocation, member confirmation,check-in, entrance and exit, etc.I also use the service using an IC card, smartphone, etc., but everytime I use it, I have to go through the trouble of searching for the app.It's such a waste of time and a pain for me. There is also the risk oflosing my card or smartphone if I carry it around. I believe there isa growing desire to use services more safely and easily. It also takesa lot of work on the part of the store to check.Meanwhile, Hitachi Ltd., one of Japan's leading electronics manufacturers,is proposing […]

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There is an athlete who involved Japan into a vortex of enthusiasm last year.His name is Shohei Ohtani, who led the national baseball team of Japanto the victory by beating the world's strongest team “USA” at the finalmatch of the “World Baseball Classic (WBC)”, held March last year where20 national teams had participated from their own countries.He is a real top MLB (Major League Baseball) player in the USA who wonthe MVP award twice and very much famous as the real two-way player inpitching and hitting, and he captivated even people, who had no interestin baseball until the WBC.Since the WBC, Shohei has been featured in the Japanese media almostevery […]

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Report of the Conference on Digital Strategies in Asian Countries

Date  December 13, 2023 Venue  AB Room, 7th Floor, Japan Computer Information Service Employee’s Pension Fund (JJK), Tokyo Event Results With the restrictions on COVID-19 greatly eased, Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC) invited keypersons in digital strategies from ASEAN and South Asian governments and other organizations to Japan after four year’s web-based conference. The nine participating countries were Brunei, Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. At the conference, representatives from each country gave presentations on their country's digital strategies, followed by a lively Q&A session and exchange of opinions. We would like to thank all conference participants as well as the Ministry of Economy, […]

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Office closure due to winter vacation(29th Dec.2023~8th Jan.2024)

Please be advised that our office will be closed from 29th December 2023 to8th January 2024 for the New Year holidays.

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Less than a month remains in this year.As the saying goes, "time flies like an arrow," and as I have gottenolder, I really feel the time passing quickly.Here's a bit of a look back at this year.I think 2023 was the year of AI.AI has been a sophisticated and difficult technology that onlyscientists could handle. Now, however, AI is making inroad into many aspects of ourdaily lives. A news reports showed Japanese companies develop AI system foreducation.An AI-assisted system launched by “A” company in May analyzes theresponses of students using images taken during lessons. It compilesdata on the concentration levels of students based on the direction of theirgaze and the […]

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18th Waseda-IAC World Digital Government Ranking 2023

 The Institute of Digital Government at Waseda University in Japan, in cooperation with theInternational Academy of CIO (IAC) has released the 18th Waseda World Digital Government RankingsSurvey 2023, which marks digital transformation in advanced digital 66 countries/economies. This report represents the 18th consecutive year of monitoring and surveying worldwide digitalgovernment development with 10 Indicators.It provides various information and data on both Digital Innovation and Digital Economy as well. In detail, click here(

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Designing Future Society for Our Lives~Saving Lives・Empowering Lives・Connecting Lives~ Not many may be aware but the phrase spelled out in title aboveis the main theme held up for upcoming World Expo (referred to asthe WORLD’s FAIR) to be held in Osaka, Japan from April 13 throughOctober 13, 2025. It was approved at the General Assembly of theBureau International des Expositions (BIE) back on December 1, 2020.This would be the second time Osaka hosts a World Expo, overhalf century after previously hosting in 1970.World Expo is an international exhibition held every five yearswhere nations showcase their latest and best inventions across awide range of industries, including but not limited to technology […]

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