
2nd Asian Document Style Information Interchange Symposium
October 4th-7th, 2004,
Sofitel Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok, THAILAND

Theme:"Style Specification Library and Implementation Guide for Document Style Processing"
Organized by:Center of the International Cooperation for Stnadardization (CICC)
Collaboration with:Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory (TCL)
Supported by:National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Japanese Standards Association (JSA)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) JAPAN
Monday, October 4th / Workshop
09:30Opening Address
Mr. Akio KANAYA, Executive Director, Center of the International Cooperation for Standardization, JAPAN
09:40 "Today and Tomorrow of Document Style Specifications Language Libraries for Multi-Lingual Document Interchange"
Dr. Yushi KOMACHI, Assistant Senior Councilor, Document Technology Research Laboratory, Panasonic Communications Inc., JAPAN
10:10 "Advanced Document Processing"
Dr. Hitoshi ISAHARA, Director, Leader, Computational Linguistics Group, Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory (TCL) NICT JAPAN
10:40 Break (Group Photo Session)
11:00 "Sample Coding for Multi-Lingual Documentation Style"
Mr. Keiichiro ISHINO, Development Group, Antenna House Inc., JAPAN
11:30Research Report (20 min. each x 3 countries = 60 min.)
  CHINAMr. Ning LI, Professor, Beijing Information Technology Institute, CHINA
  KOREADr. Soon-Bum LIM, Professor, Sookmyung Women's University, KOREA
Ms. Jasmine JANG, Head of EC Standard, Korea AInstitute for Electronic Commerce (KIEC), KOREA
  SINGAPOREMr. Chin Chee Kai, Deputy Chair, Information Exchange Technical Committee (IETC) in ITSC, SINGAPORE
12:30 Lunch at Chatuchak Cafe
14:00Research Report (20 min. each x 3 countries = 60 min.)
  LAO PDRMr. Valaxay Dalaloy, Chief of Research and Development Div. of IT Center, Science and Technology and Environment Agency, LAO PDR
  MYANMARMr. Ye Yint Win, EC Member, Myanmar Computer Scientists' Associations (MCSA), MYANMAR
  THAILANDDr. Virach SORNLERTLAMVANICH, Co-Director, Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory (TCL), THAILAND
15:20 Research Report (20 min. each x 3 countries = 60 min.)
  BANGLADESHMr. Golam Shafiuddin, Ministry of Science and ICT, BANGLADESH
  SRI LANKAMr. J. B. Disanakaya, Professor Emeritus, University of Colombo, SRI LANKA
  MONGOLIAProf. NAMSRAI Yumbayar, Computer Science and Management School, Mongolian University of Science and Management School, MONGOLIA
16:20Round Table Discussions
  Chair:1) Comments on DAMs and PDAM
Mr. Keisuke KAMIMURA, Researcher, Global Communication Center, International University, JAPAN
19:00Banquet Hotel, Hosted by TCL (Bus will leave from the Hotel)
Host: Mr. Shigetoshi YOSHIMOTO, Director of NICT Asia Research Center
Monday, October 4th / Workshop
09:30 Opening
09:30Keynote Lecture "About Implementation Guide"
  THAILANDDr. Virach SORNLERTLAMVANICH, Co-Director, Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory (TCL), THAILAND
10:00Round Table Discussions
  Chair:2) Discussions on Implementation Guide
Dr. Virach SORNLERTLAMVANICH, Co-Director, Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory (TCL), THAILAND
11:00Keynote Lecture "Government ICT Development in Thailand"
  THAILANDDr. Chumphol Krootkaew, Government Information Technology Infrastructure, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, NECTEC THAILAND
11:30Keynote Lecture "How to Succeed e-Government"
  JAPANMr. Tatsuo KOBAYASHI, Director, Scolex Ltd., JAPAN
12:00Round Table Discussions
  Chair:3) Discussions for the Services Supporting e-Government
Dr. Chumphol Krootkaew, Government Information Technology Infrastructure, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, NECTEC, THAILAND
13:00Chairman's Summary
Dr. Yushi KOMACHI, Assistant Senior Councilor, Document Technology Research Laboratory, Panasonic Communications Inc., JAPAN
13:10Closing Ceremony
Lunch at Dynasty Restaurant
Wednesday, October 6th / Participating to AFIT (as observer)
Thursday, October 7th / Participating to AFIT (as observer)

As of 2004/09/30